
Great IT Is More Than Just Luck and Leprechauns! 🍀🍀

As we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with our three gnome buddies, let’s not turn a blind eye, deaf ear, or mute voice to our Information Technology.

  1. K.I.S.S. Your IT: Keep It Simple, Silly! Sometimes the best tech is like a good ol’ Shepherd’s Pie: straightforward and satisfying. Don’t let your IT guys turn your tech into a Rube Goldberg machine that’s more puzzling than a Leprechaun’s riddles.
  2. Security Shenanigans: Good Cybersecurity is like finding a four-leaf clover in the digital field – rare and valuable. But don’t get lost chasing after cyber leprechauns while leaving your pot of gold unguarded!
  3. Plan Like a Pro: Without a plan, your IT strategy is like a parade without a route – you’ll end up going in circles! Make sure your IT team isn’t just winging it like an impromptu Irish jig.
  4. Beware of Blarney: If your IT guys are upselling you like street vendors at a Saint Paddy’s festival, watch out for blarney! You want solutions that work like magic, not just fancy fairy dust.
  5. Metrics Matter: If getting a straight answer from your support team is harder than catching a leprechaun, it’s time for some transparency! After all, you can’t manage what you can’t measure.
  6. Support Squad Stress: When your support team is juggling tasks like they’re in a Riverdance lineup, quality can take a tumble. High turnover? It’s like a game of musical chairs where nobody knows when the music will stop.

Let’s raise our glasses to better Information Technology – Sláinte!